Washington State recognizes Islamic Mahr, and is a Community Property state.
- 2011: IRMO Akon [248 P.3d 94] Delivery of 35 instead of 50 cows as Dowry confirms existence of Sudanese cultural marriage.
- 2010: IRMO Obaidi and Qayoum [226 P.3d 787] Afghani Mahr was enforceable as a contract but Husband could not speak, write, or read Farsi, there was no meeting of the minds as to the terms of the mahr agreement influenced by duress.
- 2010: IRMO Obaidi and Qayoum [238 P. 3d 503] H did not know Farsi, Afgani Dowry Invalid-Rev Denied
- 2008: IRMO Altayar and Muhyaddin [187 P.3d 269] Exchange of 19 pieces of gold for equitable property unfair-RevDenied
- 2007: Altayar and Muhyaddin Exchange of 19 pieces of gold for equitable property unfair.
- 2019: Irmo ZARGAR, Respondent, and v.STEPHANIE ZARGAR, Appellant. [No. 77859-5-I] Iranian Dowry of 300 Bahar Azadi Gold Coins was not brought by Wife to the marriage and not enforceable.
- 2018: Dawud v. Boeing [USDC-W.D. C17-1254-JCC] Reference to donation of goats in Ethiopean marriage basis for employee action in Washington.