Kansas adopts the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act (UPAA).
- 2022: In Re Karmi Bankr. Court [19-21507, Adv. 20-6030] Collecting Dowry Violates Bankruptcy Stay – The U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Kansas found that attempt to collect Jordanian Dowry violated the Chapter 13 Automatic Stay, § 362, resulting Sanction and Recoverable Attorney fee and Cost…
- 2012: Soleimani v. Soleimani [11CV4668] Iranian Dowry of 1,354 gold coin/$677,000 payable at divorce was exorbitant as a penalty violating Kansas public policy. Third-party analysis: Court Refuses to Enforce Islamic Premarital Agreement That Promised Wife $677,000 in the Event of Divorce.